
[美國直購] Waterpik WP-674 粉紅 專業家用洗牙器 沖牙機 Aquarius Professional Water Flosser Designer Series, Radiant Pink大特賣,想要的朋友看過來!!

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[美國直購] Waterpik WP-674 粉紅 專業家用洗牙器 沖牙機 Aquarius Professional Water Flosser Designer Series, Radiant Pink台灣樂天購物網,台灣樂天市場購物網,日本樂天購物網站,樂天市場購物網站,樂天購物網站,台灣樂天購物,台灣樂天市場網站,樂天購物網,日本樂天購物網,樂天購物

[美國直購] Waterpik WP-674 粉紅 專業家用洗牙器 沖牙機 Aquarius Professional Water Flosser Designer Series, Radiant Pink

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有關[美國直購] Waterpik WP-674 粉紅 專業家用洗牙器 沖牙機 Aquarius Professional Water Flosser Designer Series, Radiant Pink的詳細介紹如下:


About the Product

The Easy and More Effective Way to Floss!

Healthier Gums and Brighter Teeth in Just a Minute a Day!

Available in 4 Designer Colors with Satin Chrome Accents.

10 Pressure Settings, 90 Seconds of Water Capacity, 7 Water Flossing Tips, and a Tip Storage Case

Compatible With 120VAC/60Hz Outlets, For use in North America only. Any warranty will be voided through the sale and use of the product outside North America. Shipment outside of North America is prohibited by Waterpik

Product Description

Color: Radiant Pink |

The Waterpik Aquarius Designer Series is the Easy and More Effective Way to Floss! Now available in four unique colors, with upgraded features and a satin chrome finish. It's the perfect way to add a little color to your life! The Aquarius Designer Series includes on/off water control on the handle, an LED information panel, 7 water flosser tips, and an all-new tip storage case. New pulse-modulation technology gives you customized water pulsation for the best possible cleaning with even more comfort. It provides maximum plaque removal (Floss Mode) and enhanced gum stimulation (Hydro-Pulse Massage Mode). The convenient 1-minute timer with a 30-second pacer ensures thorough water flossing of all areas.

Product Details

Color: Radiant Pink | Size: 2.44- Pound

Product Dimensions: 6.6 x 5.9 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2 pounds


UPC: 787734602327 073950188777

Item model number: WP-674

Waterpik Aquarius Design Series - Pink

Our Most Advanced Water Flosser Yet

The Waterpik Aquarius Designer Series is the EASY and MORE EFFECTIVE Way to Floss! Now available in Radiant Pink with upgraded features and a satin chrome finish. The Aquarius Designer Series includes a Water On/Off switch on the handle, finger-tip easy pressure control, and push-button power with convenient LED mode display. All it takes is a minute a day for healthier gums and a brighter smile.

Superior Technology

Brushing alone is not enough! The Waterpik Water Flosser delivers a unique combination of water pressure and pulsations, cleaning deep between teeth and below the gumline, removing harmful bacteria. And it's perfect for anyone with braces, implants, crowns, retainers, or other dental work.

Easy to Use

Simply fill the reservoir with water, point the tip at your gumline and floss. Fill with warm water for sensitive teeth or add mouthwash.


[美國直購] Waterpik WP-674 粉紅 專業家用洗牙器 沖牙機 Aquarius Professional Water Flosser Designer Series, Radiant Pink



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